Quality of Location and Living Conditions Sweden & Stockholm
- Population number: Sweden: 10,182,291 (2018), Stockholm: 3,782,815 (2016)
- Percentage of foreign citizens: 8.9% (Sweden)
- Median age: 40.9 (Sweden)
- Average life satisfaction on a scale 0 – 10: 7.3 (Sweden)
- In 2016, the number of commenced apartments reached the highest level of the 21st Century so far. The construction of 32,400 apartments started in the Stockholm region. Every fourth apartment was constructed in Stockholm County.
- 45% of all Swedish residences are located in the Stockholm region (2016), since 2000 the amount of residences has grown by 17%
- In Stockholm 90% of people live in apartments (45% are renting, 55% own their apartment)
- Percentage of people feeling safe walking alone in the night: 75.9%
- Average number of homicides per 100 000 citizens: 1
- Percentage of households with access to internet: 95%
- Percentage of households with a computer: 93%
- Number of doctors per 1000 citizens: 0.71
- Renewable energy sources account for: 54% of the Swedish energy use
- Percentage of people living in cities: 86%
- Percentage of recycled waste: 99%
- Days of paid parental leave: 480
- Share of total national revenue from the cultural sector: 3.08%
- Foreign tourists spent in Sweden in 2016: 120 billion SEK
- Number of commercial airports for passenger flights in Stockholm region: 8
- Number of passengers travelling through airports in Stockholm region (2016): over 31,5 million
Status: 2020
- Statistiska centralbyrån (2014): Kultur och fritid Culture and leisure Statistisk årsbok 2014
- Invest Stockholm